The HARMONIC option of AnTherm calculates “harmonic thermal conductivities” of component or building as indicators required for transient building energy simulations based on periodic (harmonic) approach. This also includes PHPP calculations.
Thermal Harmonic Conductivities and further dynamic indicators facilitating heat transport with heat capacity capabilities follow the ISO and EN standard EN ISO 13786.
The harmonic thermal conductivity is given by the amplitude and phase lag of the heat flow which follows periodically changing boundary conditions (either temperatures or heat sources or sinks). Lagging in time with damping of amplitude (attenuation) results from heat storage capability of materials.
Heat losses might lag many months, intermittent heat gains might result also. Cooling infrastructure might become obsolete or overheating can be practically resolved with the building own (heat) capacity.
Transient heat flows are heavily dependent on heat capacity of building components, especially massive, solid or brick walls, slab or ground structures.
The Harmonic option of AnTherm can be seen as a small brother of the much more extensive TRANSIENT-Option of AnTherm.
The purpose of the Harmonic option is to solve transient, periodic heat transmission equation for the 0-th and 1-st harmonic. The 0-th harmonic is the steady state solution of the equation corresponding to mean heat flows under periodic boundary conditions. The 1-st harmonic provides solutions of amplitude and phase lag for the main period, such as day or year.
When power sources are involved AnTherm’s Harmonic option reports Harmonic Heat Distribution Factors (additionally to Harmonic Thermal Conductivities reported for spaces) and are also given by their amplitude and phase lag of the heat flow following the oscillation of respective heat source or sink.
By using the harmonic indicators much better approximation of dynamic thermal behavior of the building can be obtained when compared to simplified steady state approach – even with only one first harmonic of the oscillation.
Exact indicators calculated with AnTherm for any 3 dimensional geometry and arbitrary combination of materials are indispensible replacement for approximations restricted to few simplified geometries only as those provided in ISO 13370.
The strength of the HARMONIC tool relies on the fact, that harmonic thermal conductances (complex number, amplitude and the phase lag) can be calculated without the need to enter nor to know any boundary conditions – harmonic thermal conductances are output just following the steady state thermal conductances L2D, L3D in the respective report. There is also no need to specify or assume any starting boundary conditions as compared to time step based methods.
It is very important to emphasize, that harmonic thermal conductance are characteristic for the object concerned and by that are independent of any boundary conditions. The proper calculation of these harmonic periodic indicators does not need to know nor to apply any boundary conditions. Further evaluation of the behavior of a building component under certain and periodically changing boundary conditions is subject to the “TRANSIENT” Option of AnTherm (higher harmonics, periodic boundary conditions, animation in time and timeline outputs).
Saturday, 26 November 2011
What is the "TRANSIENT" Option of AnTherm
The TRANSIENT option of AnTherm calculates, evaluates and visualizes heat flows and temperature distributions in building components under boundary conditions changing in time periodically. By that it allows modeling and analysis of effects of heat storage in building construction and their response to changing conditions due to heat capacity of materials.
Such simulation approach is also known by “Transient periodic”, “Transient harmonic” or “quasi steady periodic”.
The efficiency and precision of this simulation approach results from the assumption of periodicity. By assuming periodicity of the processes the proper of periodic simulation does not need any starting distribution of temperature field. This is especially true for climatic boundary conditions (year, day), utilization scenarios (including the period of one week) or any other “repetitive” situation, e.g. periodically tuning on and off electric heating appliance.
Respective boundary conditions, periodically variable in time, can be modeled as series of values at specific time points or as series of mean values valid for several intervals of equal or variable lengths. Modeling periodic boundary conditions is not limited to air temperature but also possible for volumetric heat sources or sinks. The later will often be modeled as step (switch) functions while the other will result from some long term data measurements. The set of tools provided for modeling periodic data includes for example: values at equidistant points (regular points), mean values at equally or irregularly distributed time intervals (regular means, irregular means), values in steps (switching) on irregularly tiled intervals (irregular steps). Furthermore any periodic distribution given by complex coefficients of Fourier series can be employed too.
Compared to HARMONIC option (this earlier option of AnTherm is available already for years) the TRANSIENT option adds higher precision of results, ability to evaluate higher harmonics of the main period requested (up to 1000 harmonics), evaluate timelines of temperatures at arbitrary probe points or visualize time dependant animations in 3D (by employing the already well known techniques of “standard” steady state AnTherm to chosen time series) and record them for movie reproduction.
The strength of the HARMONIC/TRANSIENT tool relies on the fact, that harmonic thermal conductances (complex number, amplitude and the phase lag) can be calculated without the need to enter nor to know any boundary conditions.
The TRANSIENT Option goes much further by adding the ability of modeling periodic boundary conditions (fully automated Fourier analysis) for the purpose of time dependant evaluations (either a 3D view at some point in time, then available to creating time series animation, or timelines of temperature changing in time at selected location of the 3D model).

Such simulation approach is also known by “Transient periodic”, “Transient harmonic” or “quasi steady periodic”.
The efficiency and precision of this simulation approach results from the assumption of periodicity. By assuming periodicity of the processes the proper of periodic simulation does not need any starting distribution of temperature field. This is especially true for climatic boundary conditions (year, day), utilization scenarios (including the period of one week) or any other “repetitive” situation, e.g. periodically tuning on and off electric heating appliance.
Respective boundary conditions, periodically variable in time, can be modeled as series of values at specific time points or as series of mean values valid for several intervals of equal or variable lengths. Modeling periodic boundary conditions is not limited to air temperature but also possible for volumetric heat sources or sinks. The later will often be modeled as step (switch) functions while the other will result from some long term data measurements. The set of tools provided for modeling periodic data includes for example: values at equidistant points (regular points), mean values at equally or irregularly distributed time intervals (regular means, irregular means), values in steps (switching) on irregularly tiled intervals (irregular steps). Furthermore any periodic distribution given by complex coefficients of Fourier series can be employed too.
Compared to HARMONIC option (this earlier option of AnTherm is available already for years) the TRANSIENT option adds higher precision of results, ability to evaluate higher harmonics of the main period requested (up to 1000 harmonics), evaluate timelines of temperatures at arbitrary probe points or visualize time dependant animations in 3D (by employing the already well known techniques of “standard” steady state AnTherm to chosen time series) and record them for movie reproduction.
The strength of the HARMONIC/TRANSIENT tool relies on the fact, that harmonic thermal conductances (complex number, amplitude and the phase lag) can be calculated without the need to enter nor to know any boundary conditions.
The TRANSIENT Option goes much further by adding the ability of modeling periodic boundary conditions (fully automated Fourier analysis) for the purpose of time dependant evaluations (either a 3D view at some point in time, then available to creating time series animation, or timelines of temperature changing in time at selected location of the 3D model).

Sunday, 19 June 2011
Anniversary Release of the version 6.100 – “The Best AnTherm Ever”
Today we celebrate the anniversary release #100 of AnTherm.
It has been long run since 1984 when I’ve met Dr. Walter Heindl, one of the then fathers of the concept of thermal conductances – the concept being the foundation to many today’s ISO standards and fundamental to simulation software I’ve developed on top of it. It was also very tough decision during 2003 to start the project AnTherm – the “hymn” or monument to Walter and those who designed today’s building physics.
Today we are at AnTherm release #100 of which development has been strongly driven by great number of professionals actually using it. Thanks to all subscribers for showing their long term trust to the project.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges!
Visit AnTherm's website for more news.
It has been long run since 1984 when I’ve met Dr. Walter Heindl, one of the then fathers of the concept of thermal conductances – the concept being the foundation to many today’s ISO standards and fundamental to simulation software I’ve developed on top of it. It was also very tough decision during 2003 to start the project AnTherm – the “hymn” or monument to Walter and those who designed today’s building physics.
Today we are at AnTherm release #100 of which development has been strongly driven by great number of professionals actually using it. Thanks to all subscribers for showing their long term trust to the project.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges!
Visit AnTherm's website for more news.
Friday, 3 June 2011
Enthusiasm for AnTherm; I loved it!
Being enthusiastic for AnTherm does it all. Recently I've received further proof of the goal reached:
"Thank you so much for the AnTherm ... we've really enjoyed experimenting with it. Our practice was able to yield space correlation coefficients, ... color visualization and isotherm results...
It worked! I just had to hit the "apply" button on the boundary conditions, and all the beautiful color images appeared. So, I printed out the price list for my boss... he's enthusiastic as well.
I've been advocating a purchase enthusiastically... I loved it. I've been keeping a list of projects that come along that could benefit from it...
Thanks again for all your help and your great product!"
Thank You too.
"Thank you so much for the AnTherm ... we've really enjoyed experimenting with it. Our practice was able to yield space correlation coefficients, ... color visualization and isotherm results...
It worked! I just had to hit the "apply" button on the boundary conditions, and all the beautiful color images appeared. So, I printed out the price list for my boss... he's enthusiastic as well.
I've been advocating a purchase enthusiastically... I loved it. I've been keeping a list of projects that come along that could benefit from it...
Thanks again for all your help and your great product!"
Thank You too.
The concept of harmonic thermal conductances
The concept of harmonic thermal conductances is very well suited for modelling dynamic thermal behaviour under periodic boundary conditions. A method for implementing such a model in simulation software is proposed and compared to simplified methods currently employed in international norms and standards. The practicality and efficiency of the harmonic approach is demonstrated using an appropriate simulation software package (“AnTherm”), which allows the three-dimensional, time-dependant visualisation of simulation results. In conclusion, arguments for specific future developments are presented, including the potential for model translation into 4D-enabled virtual environments.
The paper "Practical implementation of a harmonic conductance model
in thermal simulation software" has been presented lately during the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics held in Tampere (Finland) from 29th May till 2nd June 2011.
Read more at the AnTherm's website...
The paper "Practical implementation of a harmonic conductance model
in thermal simulation software" has been presented lately during the 9th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics held in Tampere (Finland) from 29th May till 2nd June 2011.
Read more at the AnTherm's website...
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Happy thermal bridge assessment in AnTherm
This is the sort of motivation I really appreciate!
Steven Richardson of the Dublin School of Architecture has written:
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you once again for allowing me to use your product.
I found AnTherm to be an excellent product, the features and options are excellent and the visualisation tools were exceptional.
I look forward to sharing my research with you in the near future.
Kind regards,Steven Paul Richardson, B.Sc. Arch. Tech.”
Steven, Thank You.
Steven Richardson of the Dublin School of Architecture has written:
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you once again for allowing me to use your product.
I found AnTherm to be an excellent product, the features and options are excellent and the visualisation tools were exceptional.
I look forward to sharing my research with you in the near future.
Kind regards,Steven Paul Richardson, B.Sc. Arch. Tech.”
Steven, Thank You.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
The Beauty of Thermal Bridges - Part V
Thermal bridge assessment can be sexy and beautiful. This is the last (fifth) part of the image collection created during the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
The Beauty of Thermal Bridges - Part IV
Thermal bridge assessment can be sexy and beautiful. This is the fourth part of the image collection created during the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
The Beauty of Thermal Bridges - Part III
Thermal bridge assessment can be sexy and beautiful. This is the third part of the image collection created during the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
The Beauty of Thermal Bridges - Part II
Thermal bridge assessment can be sexy and beautiful. This is the second part of the image collection created during the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
The Beauty of Thermal Bridges - Part I introduced
Thermal bridge assessment can be sexy and beautiful.
During the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( large collection of impressive images have been created as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
During the preparation of AnTherm’s exhibition ( large collection of impressive images have been created as presented on PicasaWeb of AnTherm.
This image collection shows variations of visual assessment by looking at surface distribution of thermal properties like temperature or heat flux (stream density) and interstitial behavior of heat and vapor streams. The emphasis is on qualitative enjoyment of the conclusive and intuitive insight process.
Enjoy Understanding Thermal Bridges with Antherm
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Neue Version des Wärmebrückenprogramms AnTherm verfügbar
Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr!
In der ersten Woche des Jahres 2011 wurde die neue Version 6.97 des Programms zur Berechnung, Simulation und Visualisierung von Wärmebrücken “AnTherm” freigegeben.
Die Verbesserungen beinhalten: Änderungen der Anzeige der Elemente in der Dateneingabe, Zusätzliche diagnostische Meldungen und höhere Genauigkeit der Rechenmaschine (des Solvers), Hilfsanzeige des Orientierungsmarkers in der 3D Visualisierung, weitere Arten der Stereoanzeige und 3D Exportoptionen, Aktualisierung der Dokumentation und Fehlerkorrekturen.
Lizenznehmer mit der Update Subskription haben die Anleitung zum Download und Installation der neuen Version bereits erhalten.
Diejenigen mit älteren AnTherm-Lizenzen sind eingeladen die Aktualisierung mit Hilfe des AnTherm Lizenzpreis und Update Rechners ( abzugrenzen.
New version of Thermal Bridging Software AnTherm released
Happy New Year!
As of first week of January 2011 the new version 6.97 of the thermal bridge calculation, simulation and visualization software AnTherm has been released.
Improvements include: Data Entry modifications to Rendering of Elements, Additional Diagnostic and Higher Precision of the Solver Engine, Supportive Orientation Marker within 3D Visualization, Additional Stereo Viewing Modes and 3D Export Options, Documentation Update and Bug Fixes.
Licensees within the Update Subscription Plan have received the instructions to download and install the new version already.
Those using older AnTherm licenses are invited to estimate their update schedule with the AnTherm License and Update Calculator available at .
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